ISSN 0738-9388
•P' A publication of the San Diego Shell Club
Volume: XXXI September 30, 1999 Supplement
Illustration of the Types Named by S. Stillman Berry in His “Leaflets in Malacology” Revised
Carole M. Hertz
Vol. XXXI: Supplement
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Associate, Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History,
2559 Puesta del Sol Road, Santa Barbara, California 93105, USA E-mail:
This work is a revision of the supplement to Volume 15 (January 1984) of The Festivus. Since the death of S. Stillman Berry in 1984, his remaining Redlands collection, housing many types, was placed in several institutions. This revision strives to provide a complete listing of the repositories of his type material introduced in his Leaflets in Malacology, update the synonymies and, with the improvement in desk-top publishing, reprint with better quality the original Poorman photographs of that type material. The Berry Collection numbers are no longer included in this revision. Of the fourteen holotypes unaccounted for in the previous supplement only Elaeocyma ricaudae has not been found. The holotype of Lepidozona inefficax is still considered lost.
In November of 1946, S. Stillman Berry began the private publication of his Leaflets in Malacology which he instituted to facilitate the "publication and dissemination... of new mollusks of special interest under study" primarily by him. Leaflets in Malacology continued for twenty-three years concluding with Volume 1, Number 26 in December 1969. During these years. Dr. Berry described 99 marine molluscan species, renamed one species, and named 19 new genera in the "Leaflets." However, besides the internal drawing of Octopus fitchi, only two of the species (Pedicularia calif omica ovuliformis and Assiminea inftma) were figured in black & white drawings. Few of the types had been illustrated until Hertz (1984).
It is the purpose of this revision to re-figure all of the types of the species named by Dr. Berry in the "Leaflets," with the exception of the eight species of Octopus. The original project would not have been possible without the efforts of Leroy and Forrest Poorman who saw the need to illustrate Dr. Berry's type specimens and had photographed all but two for the species described in the " Leaflets " (excluding Octopus species).
Most of the photography was done between July and December of 1971. In Leroy Poorman 's words, "...Many of the types were photographed at Stanford [University] through the courtesy of Dr. Myra Keen. Fifty-nine specimens were photographed in one day. These specimens have since been placed in CAS [California Academy of Sciences]; ...we spent much time at Berry's home photographing. He gave us oral permission to use the slides in any way we wished. He said that they should be published but that the cost was too high, even for him ... We went through the special chest in which he kept his types when we were photographing there."
The types of Cirsotrema pentedesmium and “ Pedicularia (calif omica? phase or form?) ovuliformis” were photographed by David K. Mulliner. He also gave of his time and talent in preparing the black and white prints from Leroy Poorman 's original color slides.
In determining the scope of the first paper, I had decided that the inclusion of the known repositories of the Berry typological material would be of value. In this, the Poorman slides were again of considerable help
Mailing address: 3883 Mt. Blackburn Ave., San Diego, CA 92111, USA
Vol. XXXI Supplement
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The repositories of the holotype and paratypes of each species are also listed, when known. Paratype material in private collections is not considered here since its ready availability for study by workers in the field cannot be assured. In the case of the type material which was donated to Stanford University (SU) and is now on permanent loan at the California Academy of Sciences; only the six-digit California Academy of Sciences (CAS) number appears. In cases in which the specimen was deposited in the CAS prior to their current numbering system, the newer six-digit number appears first with the original CAS number in brackets. A brief synonymy is included for the species, when applicable.
A chronological listing of titles by Dr. Berry in the "Leaflets" is on Pages 4 and 5, and an index to the Berry species appears on Page 43.
Abbreviations used in the text: AMNH — American
Museum of Natural History; BM(NH) -- The Natural History Museum, London; CAS -- California Academy of Sciences; LACM — Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History; MCZ — Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University; SBMNH — Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History; SDNHM — San Diego Natural History Museum; SU — Stanford University; TM — Trornso Museum, Tromso, Norway; NMNH — National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution; USNM -- Collections of the National Museum of Natural History; alt. — maximum altitude; long. — maximum longitude; ca. — approximately; l.v. -- left valve; diam. — maximum diameter; mm - millimeter(s); fide — according to, in the belief of; P -- paratype; pers. comm. — personal communication; fig(s). - figure(s); p(p). — page(s); H — holotype; r.v. -- right valve; lat. -- maximum latitude; W — west; S -- south; N — north.
List of Genera Proposed in the " Leaflets "
The 19 genera proposed by S. Stillman Berry in the “ Leaflets" are listed here. The generitypes are not figured except in those cases in which they also represent a Berry species named in the “Leaflets .” A synonymy is not included for the genera.
Genus Generitype Page Number in “ Leaflets ”
Stromboli |
Fissurella beebei Hertlein & Strong, 1951 |
70 |
Tiphyocerma |
Tiphyocerma preposterum Berry, 1958 |
83 |
Tiariturris |
Tiariturris spectabilis Berry, 1958 |
87 |
Turrigemma |
Turrigemma torquifer Berry, 1958 |
88 |
Hormospira |
Pleurotoma maculosa Sowerby, 1834 |
90 |
Nomaeopelta |
Acmaea dalliana Pilsbry, 1891 |
91 |
Steamsium |
Uvanilla regina Steams, 1892 |
92 |
Lapsigyrus |
Alvania contrerasi Jordan, 1936 |
92 |
Opeatostoma |
Buccinum pseudodon Burrow, 1815 |
93 |
Mitromica |
Mitra solitaria C.B. Adams, 1852 |
94 |
Hertleinella |
Hertleinella leucostephes Berry, 1958 |
95 |
Calcitrapessa |
Mur ex (Chicoreus) leeanus Dali, 1890 |
113 |
Pegmapex |
Pegmapex phoebe Berry, 1960 |
115 |
Tellidorella |
Tellidorella cristulata Berry, 1963 |
140 |
Crenimargo* |
Crenimargo electilis Berry, 1963 |
140 |
Lunaia |
Lunaia lunaris Berry, 1964 |
148 |
Trialatella |
Trialatella cunninghamae Berry, 1964 |
149 |
Diptychophlia |
Diptychophlia occata (Hinds, 1844), as of Berry (1964) |
150 |
Subgenus |
Bessomia |
Thyca ( Bessomia ) callista Berry, 1959 |
110 |
*Cymatioa Berry, 1964:154, new name for Crenimargo Berry, 1963, not Cossmann, 1902.
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since, for example, the slides of holotypes which had already been deposited at Stanford University were so noted. The catalogues of molluscan type specimens by Richards & Old, 1969; Smith, 1978; Sphon, 1966, 1971; and Wilson & Kennedy, 1967, were then consulted for further information on the location of Berry type material. Further, in the "Leaflets" 1(14): 75 (July 19, 1957), Dr. Berry wrote, "Holotypes of all the new forms, except as otherwise noted are intended to be deposited in the type-collection of the Department of Paleontology, Stanford University. Paratypes are in the author's collection, although they will be shared as far as the material permits with the U.S. National Museum, San Diego Museum of Natural History, Los Angeles County Museum and perhaps some other collections."
From this beginning, a search was made to confirm the repositories of much of the type material and to locate additional Berry type material for species named in the "Leaflets." Dr. Berry frequently specified the intended recipients (museums) of the type material of the species he described. Using this information, inquiries were sent to those museums. Each institution was asked to check its collections for the type material in question. They were asked for the quantity of material for each species and their museum catalog numbers. I then personally checked the type collections of the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History, San Diego Natural History Museum, Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, and the California Academy of Sciences.
After Dr. Berry’s death, scientists from several institutions came to the Berry home to prepare his remaining collection for inclusion in museum collections. The major part of the collection was incorporated into the collections of the SBMNH and that institution’s accession numbers replace those of the Berry Collection numbers shown in the original supplement. The cephalopod types were brought to the NMNH to be added to their molluscan holdings.
In reviewing the repositories for the Berry type material, it was learned that Dr. Berry sometimes deposited parts of a single type specimen in more than one collection. For the holotype of Stenoplax isoglypta, as an example. Dr. Berry (p. 72) deposited one valve in the National Museum of Natural History (USNM 612205, sixth valve), one valve in Stanford University (SU 8649) [now at CAS 0439401] (designated a paratype in earlier literature), and retained the remaining valves in his collection (Redlands 19160) [now at SBMNH 34426],
Further requests for information concerning other type material for species described in the "Leaflets" were also sent to the museums. In this regard, I received a reply from the Tromso Museum, Norway, to my request for information on a paratype of Barbatia rostae which Dr. Berry had intended to deposit there. Dr. Wim Vader, Curator, kindly sent photographs of their specimen and its accompanying label. While the photographs indicate the specimen to be Barbatia rostae,
I have listed their specimen as "possible paratype" since proof of its status as a paratype is lacking.
The information in the original paper on the cephalopod type material referred to in the "Leaflets" was obtained through the efforts of Dr. F.G. Hochberg of the Department of Invertebrate Zoology, Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History, who with Dr. Clyde Roper of the Department of Invertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, began organizing Dr. Berry's cephalopod type collection during August 1983. This type material was then sent to the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, to be accessioned in their type collection (Hochberg, pers. comm). Mr. Mike Sweeney of the Department of Invertebrate Zoology of that institution provided me with their catalogue numbers for these specimens.
Since the death of Dr. Berry, Sweeney, Roper & Hochberg (1988) published a detailed study of all the Berry cephalopod material in a catalog summarizing “the status of Berry’s Recent cephalopod type material from his collection as well as from all known museum repositories....” Table I is a summary of the cephalopod species described by Dr. Berry in the "Leaflets. "
Each Berry type shown here appears in the same sequence as in the " Leaflets " in the hope that this will facilitate the use of this paper as an illustrated companion to the original Berry work. Each entry is listed with its original orthography: an [H] or [P] next to the name indicates that the specimen figured is a holotype or paratype. The date, volume, and page number(s) of the original description appear beneath the species name followed by die dimensions of the holotype and the type locality.
The measurements of all but three species (Nomaeopelta rrcyrae, Muricanthus callidinus, and Pleuroliria artia) are those given by Dr. Berry in the "Leaflets. " The length dimension of the holotypes of the other three species, not given by Dr. Berry, are those of the author.
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Table 1: A Summary of the Cephalopod Species Described by S. Stillman Berry in his “Leaflets”
Species |
Year /Page |
Type |
Repository |
Type locality |
alecto. Octopus |
1953:56-57 |
H |
USNM 815707 - lo" |
South of Estero Soldado, Sonora, |
P |
USNM 815708 - 1? |
Mexico |
P |
USNM 816381 - lo" |
californiana, Opisthoteuthis |
1949:23-26 |
H |
CAS 021666- 1? |
off Eureka Bar, California |
P |
USNM 816426- 1$ |
fitchi. Octopus |
1953:54-55 |
H |
USNM 815713- Id1 |
Punta San Felipe, Baja |
P |
USNM 815714-lo\ 1$ |
California, Mexico |
P |
USNM 815715-5d", 2$ |
P |
USNM 816591 - 6d\ 15$ |
P |
CAS 024044 - 1 $ |
hubbsorum. Octopus |
1953:53-54 |
H |
USNM 816360 - 1 o' |
Outer Bahia San Carlos, Sonora, |
P |
USNM 816400- 1$ |
Mexico |
P |
USNM 816480 -Id1 |
micropyrsus. Octopus |
1953:52-53 |
H |
USNM 815704 - Id" |
La Jolla, California |
P |
USNM 815705 - Id" |
P |
USNM 815706 - Id1 |
penicillifer. Octopus |
1954:66 |
H |
USNM 815717- Id" |
Punta Arena, Baja California Sur, Mexico |
rubescens. Octopus |
1953: 51-52 |
H |
USNM 815709- Id" |
South Coronado Island, Baja |
P |
USNM 815710- 1$ |
California, Mexico |
P |
USNM 815711 - 3d", 5$, 5 |
P |
juv. USNM 815712 -2$ |
veligero. Octopus |
1953:57 |
H |
USNM 815716- Id" |
San Juanico, Baja California, |
P |
USNM 816432 -2$ |
Mexico |
Bibliography of Papers by S. Stillman Berry in Leaflets in Malacology
1946. Californian forms of Pedicularia. 1(1): 1-4, 1 fig. (Nov. 4)
1947. A surprising molluscan discovery in Death Valley. 1(2): 5-8, 2 figs. (May 3)
On the generic relationships of certain Lower Californian helicoid snails. 1(3): 9-12. (Oct. 1)
1948. Two misunderstood West American chitons. 1(4): 13-15. (Feb. 20)
A note on Rowell's types in Pupa and Gundlachia. 1(4): 16. (Feb. 20)
1949. A new Opisthoteuthis from the Eastern Pacific. 1(6): 23-26. (June 13)
1950. A partial review of some West American species of Crepidula. 1(8): 35-40. (Nov. 14)
A pteropod new to California. 1(8): 41-42. (Nov. 14)
1952. Another interesting addition to the Californian pteropod fauna. 1(9): 50. (July 10)
1953. Preliminary diagnoses of six West American species of Octopus. 1(10): 51-58. (Dec. 18)
1954. with Bruce W. Halstead, Octopus bites~a second report. 1(11): 59-65, 1 fig. (Jan. 28) Octopus penicillifer, new species. 1(11): 66. (Jan. 28)
West American molluscan miscellany. -I. 1(11): 67-70. (July 9)
1956. Diagnoses of new Eastern Pacific chitons. 1(13): 71-74. (July 9)
1957. Notices of new Eastern Pacific Mollusca.—I. 1(14): 75-82. (July 19)
1958. Notices of new Eastern Pacific Mollusca.-U. 1(15): 83-90. (Mar. 28)
West American molluscan miscellany. -II. 1(16): 91-98. (May 31)
1959. Comments on some of the trivaricate muricines. 1(17): 106. (July 29)
Notices of new Eastern Pacific Mollusca - HI. 1(18): 107-113. (July 29)
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1959 Comments on some of the trivaricate muricines (cont'd). 1(18): 113-114. (July 29) 1960. Notices of new Eastern Pacific Mollusca-IV. 1(19): 1 15-122. (Dec. 31)
1962. A note on Cant hams, with proposal of a new specific name. 1(20): 129-130. (Nov. 13)
1963. Diagnoses of new Eastern Pacific chitons-D. 1(22): 135-138. (Mar. 29)
Notices of new Eastern Pacific Mollusca.-V. 1(23): 139-146. (Sept. 30)
1964. Notices of new Eastern Pacific Mollusca--VI. 1(24): 147-154. (July 29)
1968. Notices of new Eastern Pacific Mollusca--VII. 1(25): 155-158. (Sept. 26)
1969. Notices of new Eastern Pacific Mollusca--VIII. 1(26): 159-166. (Dec. 17)
I am indebted to many people for the help they gave me in the preparation of the original paper. Foremost of these are Forrest and the late Leroy Poorman who made their slides and note cards available as well as giving me background information for the project. The black and white prints and the original photographs of two of the type specimens were done by David K. Mulliner, to whom I record my special thanks.
My gratitude is extended to the following people who were kind enough to look for Berry type species in their respective institutions and provide me with catalogue numbers for those in their collections: Kenneth Boss and Carey Westermann (MCZ), William K. Emerson (AMNH), the late Joseph Rosewater (NMNH), Paul Valentich Scott (SBMNH), Robert Van Syoc (CAS), Solene Morris, then of the (BMNH), and Wim Vader (TM).
I thank Eric Hochberg (SBMNH) who looked for the Octopus types at Dr. Berry's home and who sent me detailed information on what he found. My thanks also to Mike Sweeney (NMNH) who was good enough to give me their catalogue numbers by phone when I belatedly realized I had neglected to request them.
Eugene Coan, Helen DuShane, A. Myra Keen and Barry Roth were kind enough to help in locating the type of Cirsotrema pentedesmium for which I am grateful, and James H. McLean and the late Gale Sphon graciously made the LACM collections available to me to check type species. Barry Roth and Robert Van Syoc also gave generously of their time during my visit to the CAS to confirm types in their collection and secure their new catalogue numbers.
My appreciation goes to the late Anthony D'Attilio and George Hanselman who advised me on the muricid and chiton species respectively. I am indebted to James H. McLean for his encouragement and for his review of the original paper. To the late Myra Keen who also reviewed the paper, offering helpful suggestions on the material deposited at Stanford University and on fine points in the text, I offer my sincere appreciation. More than anyone, my gratitude goes to Jules Hertz; he not only encouraged me in the project but assumed the roles of critic and proofreader. Without the help of these many people, that project could not have been under- taken and I am grateful to them for their assistance; however any errors in that paper are the responsibility of the author.
The original Berry supplement was prepared and published in 1984, before this author /editor knew that computers would ever enter her life. For this revision I am beholden to many people: Kim Hutsell of San Diego scanned the (1984) supplement, thus making the revision possible; my three friends in the Invertebrate Zoology Department of the SBMNH, Henry W. Chaney, F. G.(Eric) Hochberg and Paul Valentich Scott made the facilities of the Department and its collection available to me. Paul made a computer printout for me of all the Berry types from the “Leaflets” housed in the SBMNH, Henry helped locate literature, and Eric provided the cover photo. Mike Sweeney of the NMNH sent literature to me updating the cepahalopod types in their collection and Carol Skoglund and Terry Arnold made literature available to me. Lastly I thank Suzanne Parlett who again designed the cover, this time using a photo of Dr. Berry with his cat, Purryboy, from the archives of the SBMNH.
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Figure 1. Pedicularia (califomica? phase or form?) ovuliformis (interior and exterior) [P-SDNHM] 1946. 1(1): 3-4, fig. 1 (p.l) (Nov. 4)
alt. 7.47: diam. 4.89 mm
Farnsworth Bank, off outer coast of Catalina Island, California, in 21 fin [38.4 m]
CAS 043924
CAS 043925, 1 specimen and coral SBMNH 34527, 30 specimens [one specimen previously catalogued as SBMNH 10714]; 140186, 1 specimen SDNHM 65537, 2 specimens; 43475, 1 specimen [juvenile] and coral [ = Pedicularia califomica Newcomb, 1864, fide Schmieder, 1980: 382-383; 1982: 272]
Figure 2. |
Assiminea infirm [H] 1947. 1(2): 5-8, figs. 1,2 (May 3) |
Size: |
alt. 2.66; diam. 1.92 mm |
Type loc.: |
Bad Water, -279.6 ft, [-85.2 m] Death Valley, Inyo County, California |
Holotype: |
CAS 043916 |
Paratypes: |
CAS 043917, 3 specimens, 028021, 293 specimens [wet]; 18 specimens [dry] SBMNH 34528, 74 specimens SDNHM 43476, 2 specimens |
Type loc.:
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Figure 3. Lipidoehitona keepiam [H]
1948. 1(4): 14-15 (Feb. 20)
Size: long. 14.0; lat. 9.0 mm
Type lee.: Newport Bay, Orange County, California
Holotype: SBMNH 34420 [articulated]
Paratypes: CAS 043941 [ex SU 7870], 1 specimen
SBMNH 34421, 7 specimens [5 articulated, 2 partially disarticulated]
SDNHM 63264, 1 specimen; 44094, 1 specimen USNM 606755, 1 specimen
[= Lepidochitona dentiem Berry, 1922, non Gould, 1846; = bchmchiton (Trachydermon ) dentiem Pilsbry, 1892, non Gould, 1846 fide Ferreira, 1982: 107, 1983: 307; Eemisse, 1986: 26]
Figure 4. |
Crepidula coei [H], 1950. 1(8): 35-38 (Nov. 14) |
Size: |
long. 21.7; lat. 15.1; alt. 10.2 mm |
Type loc.: |
vicinity of Sunset Beach area. Orange County, California |
Holotype: |
CAS 036323 [ex SU 9721] |
Paratypes: |
LACM 1008, 1 specimen MCZ 199666, I specimen SBMNH 34532, 5 specimens SDNHM 12716, 1 specimen; 65483, 1 specimen USNM 606755, 1 specimen |
[-Crepidula (Crepidula) incurva (Broderip, 1834), fide Abbott ,1974: 142; =C. naticamm Williamson, 1905), fide Hoagland, 1977: 383]
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Figure 5. |
Barbatia (Acar) rostae [H] 1954. 1(12): 67-69 (July 1) |
Size: |
long. 21.6; alt. 12.8; lat. 11.3 mm |
Type loc.: |
Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico |
Holotype: |
CAS 043983 [ex SU 7856], both valves |
Paratypes; |
SBMNH 34036, 16 specimens MCZ 200053, 1 specimen TM 11979, (possible paratype, one specimen) |
[=Barbalia (Acar) gradata (Broderip & Sowerby, 1829), fide Abbott, 1974: 422; =Barbalia rostae Berry a valid species, fide Bernard, 1983: 15]
Figure 6. |
Nuttallina crossota [H] 1956. 1(13): 71-72 (July 9) |
Figure 7. |
Stenoplax circumsenta [H] |
Size: |
long. 9.4; lat. 4.3; alt. 2.0 mm [altitude measurement not specified as that of the holotype] |
Size: |
1956. 1(13): 72 (July 9) long. 20.0; lat. 6.8; alt. 2.8 mm |
Type loc.: |
Puerto Penasco, Sonora, Mexico, W end of long |
Type loc.: |
W of Isla Concha, Scammon's Lagoon, Baja |
Holotype: |
bight, reef and tide pools SBMNH 34423 (articulated) |
Holotype: |
California Sur, Mexico, on sand flats SBMNH 34425 [articulated specimen] |
Paratypes: |
CAS 0439391, 1 specimen |
Paratypes: |
CAS 043938, 1 valve |
SBMNH 34424, 13 specimens [12 articulated, 1 disarticulated] SDNHM 11398, 1 specimen [labeled "1251" on the |
[ = Stenoplxa |
USNM 612206, valve #6 SBMNH 34491, 1 specimen [partially disarticulated] corrugata (Carpenter in Pilsbry, 1892), fide Ferreira, |
foot] |
1983: 313; S. |
circumsenta a valid species fide Kaas & Van Belle, |
USNM 612207, 1 specimen |
1987: 150] |
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Vol. XXXI Supplement
Figure 8. |
Stemplax isoglypta [H] 1956. 1(13): 72-73 (July 9) |
Figure 9. |
Size: |
long. ca. 16.8; lat. 7.5 mm [measurement not |
Size: |
specified as that of the holotype] |
Type loc.: |
Type loc.: |
Isla Isabel, Pern |
Holotype: |
USNM 612205. valve #6 |
Holotype: |
SBMNH 34426, 6 valves + 1 dried body CAS 043940, 1 valve |
Paratypes: |
[=Radsiella mgulata (Sowerby, 1832), fide Thorpe in Keen, 1971: 869; = Stemplax rugukua (Sowerby, 1832), fide Abbott, 1974: 397; = ?Ischnochiton iso glypta, fide Hanselman, 1983 (pers. comm.) = Stemplax (Stemplax) boogi (Haddon, 1886), fide Kaas & Van Belle, 1987: 144]
Stemplax (Maugerella) conspicua somrana [H] 1956. 1(13): 73-74 (My 9)
long. 54.6; lat. 21; alt. 6.4 mm Puerto Penaseo, Sonora, Mexico; W end of bight in tidepools and on reef SBMNH 34427 [articulated]
CAS 043942 [ex SU 8647], 2 specimens SBMNH 34427, 2 specimen [articulated]; 34428,14 specimens [articulated]; 34429, 4 specimens [3 articulated, 1 disarticulated]; 34430, 4 specimens [articulated]; 34431, 11 specimens [10 articulated, 1 disarticulated]
SDNHM 49298, 8 valves and body dried separately USNM 612209, 3 specimens
[= Stemplax conspicua somrana, fide Thorpe in Keen, 1971: 871; -S. (Stemplax) somrana (Berry ),fide Kaas & Van Belle, 1987: 133]
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Vol. XXXI Supplement
Lepidozona subtilis [H]
1956. 1(13): 74 (July 9)
long. 13.2; lat. 8.0; alt. 2.4 mm Puerto Penasco, Sonora, Mexico, W end of bight in
SBMNH 34432 [articulated]
CAS 043943, 2 specimens SBMNH 34433, 13 specimens [articulated]; 34434, 33 specimens [articulated]
SDNHM 11399, 5 specimens USNM 612208, 5 specimens [= Lepidozona (Lepidozona) subtilis, fide Kaas & Van Belle 1987: 210]
Figure 1 1 . Pecten (Leptopecten) euterpes [H] 1957. 1(14): 75-76 (July 19)
Figure 10.
Type loc.: tide pools Holotype: Paratypes:
Size: long. 7.4; alt. 7.1; diam. 2.0 mm
Type loc.: off Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico, in 6-10 fm
[9-18 m]
Holotype: CAS 043977, both valves [ex SU 8505]
Paratype: SBMNH 34034, 1 specimen
[^Leptopecten (Leptopecten ) euterpes (Berry), fide Keen, 1971: 91; Bernard, 1983: 25]
Figure 12. |
Lithophaga (Labis) attenuata rogersi [H] 1957. 1(14): 76 (July 19) |
Size: |
long. 71.6; of shell only 62.8 mm |
Type loc.: |
Cholla Cove, outer reefs, Bahia de Adair, Sonora, Mexico |
Holotype: |
CAS 032072 [ex SU 8506], [both valves] |
Paratypes: |
LACM 1117, 6 specimens SBMNH 01726, 1 specimen [1 other specimen missing or listed in error in Sphon, 1966 (Scott, pers. comm)]; 35024, 5 specimens; 34035, 7 |
specimens |
[-Lithophaga rogersi, fide Bernard, 1983: 21; = Lithophaga (L.) attenuata (Deshayes, 1836), fide Kleeman, 1983: 3, 21]
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Figure 14. Astraea guadalupeana [H]
1957. 1(14): 77 (July 19)
Size: alt. 23.5; diam. (base) 29.7 mm
Type loc.: off S end of Isla Guadalupe, Baja California,
Mexico, in 26.5 fm [48 m]
Holotype: CAS 043914
Paratypes: SBMNH 34560; 21 specimens 34676, 1 specimen
SDNHM 9082, 2 specimens and 1 operculum [ = Astraea gibberosa (Dillwyn, 1817), fide McLean in Keen, 1971: 355; Abbott, 1974: 59-60]
Figure 13. “Acmaea" stanfordiana [ H]
1957. 1(14): 76-77 (July 19)
Size: long. 27.4; lat. 21.2; alt. 4.2 mm
Type loc.: Pelican Point, Sonora, Mexico, S side, mid-tidal
Holotype: CAS 043932 [ex SU 8507]
Paratypes: LACM 1012, 3 specimens
SBMNH 34674, 30 specimens; 34675, 1 specimen [=Collisella stanfordiana (Berry), fide McLean in Keen, 1971: 325; --Acmaea (Nomaeopeha ) stanfordiana Berry, fide Abbott, 1974: 34; = Lottia stanfordiana (Berry), fide Lindberg, 1986: 142]
Figure 15. Turritella anactor [H]
1957. 1(14): 78 (July 19)
Size: alt. 122 + ; diam. 30.4 mm
Type loc.: mud flat 8-12 mi. [13-19 km] N of San Felipe, Baja
California, Mexico,
Holotype: CAS 043987
Paratypes: AMNH 106035, 1 specimen
CAS 043988, 1 specimen LACM 1447, 1 specimen SBMNH 11963, 16 specimens; 11964, 26
specimens; 34561, 1 specimen; 34562,1 specimen; 34563, 19 specimens; 34564, 19 specimens; 35469, 2 specimens; 50945, [lost]
SDNHM 12005, 2 specimens
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Vol. XXXI Supplement
Figure 16. |
Acanthina tyrianthina [H] 1957. 1(14): 78-79 (July 19) |
Figure 17. |
Hanetia macrospira [H] 1957. 1(14): 79-80 (July 19) |
Size: |
alt. 27.3; diam. 18.3 mm |
Size: |
alt. 46.4; diam. 28.1 mm |
Type loc.: |
Man-of-War Cove, Bahia Magdalena, Baja California Sur, Mexico |
Type loc.: |
“Clam Beach” [Playa de Almejas], ca. 8 miles [13 km] N of San Felipe, Baja California, Mexico |
Holotype: |
CAS 043935 [ex SU 8510] |
Holotype: |
CAS 043920 |
Paratypes: |
LACM 1007, 1 specimen SBMNH 34565, 39 specimens; 34566, 12 specimens; 34567, 3 specimens SDNHM 9085, 5 specimens |
Paratypes: |
SBMNH 34568; 21 specimens; 34569, 12 specimens; 34570, 27 specimens; 34571, 7 specimens; 34572, 2 specimens SDNHM 9084, 2 specimens |
[=Acamhina lugubris lugubris (Sowerby, 1&22), fide Wu, 1985: 52- [=Solenosteira macrospira (Berry), fide Keen, 1971: 563; 54] = Solenosteira as a subgenus of Cantharus (Berry), fide Abbott, 1974:
220; Cemohorsky, 1975: 197]
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Figure 18. Hanetia capitanea [H]
1957. 1(14): 80 (July 19)
Size: alt. 56.2; diam. 32.6 mm
Type loc.: “Clam Beach” 8 mi [13 km] N of San Felipe, Baja
California, Mexico
Holotype: CAS 043995 [SU 85 12]
Paratypes: SBMNH 34573, 1 specimen; 34574, 3 specimens;
34575, 1 specimen; 34576, 5 specimens; 34577, 4 specimens; 34578, 4 specimens
[=Solenosteira capitanea (Berry), fide Keen, 1971: 563; =Cantharus pallidus (Broderip & Sowerby, 1829), fide Abbott, 1974: 220; Solenosteira as a subgenus of Cantharus, fide Cemohorsky, 1975: 197]
Figure 19. Mitra semiusta [H]
1957. 1(14): 80-81 (July 19)
Size: alt. 72.1; diam. 24.0 mm
Type loc.: off Point Conception, Santa Barbara County,
California, in 15 m, diving Holotype: CAS 043929 [ex SU 85 1 3]
Paratypes: SBMNH; 34579, 10 specimens [1 specimen
previously catalogued as 06272]; 34580, 14 specimens; 34581, 9 specimens SDNHM 9088, 2 specimens
[= Mitra idae Melvill, 1893 ,fide Abbott, 1974: 237; Cemohorsky, 1991: 363; Salisbury, 1992b: 10]
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Figure 20. Pleuroliria parthenia [H]
1957. 1(14): 81-82 (July 19)
Figure 21. Pleuroliria artia [H]
1957. 1(14): 82 (July 19)
Figure 22. Tiphyocerma preposterum [H] 1958. 1(15): 83-84 (Mar. 28)
Size: alt. 30.4; diam. 8.5 mm
Typeloc.: off Isla Tortugas, Golfo de
Nicoya, Costa Rica, dredged in 1 fm [1.8 m] Holotype: CAS 043926 [ex SU 8514]
Paratypes: SBMNH 34582, 3 specimens
SDNHM 9090, 1 specimen [=Polystira oxytropis (Sowerby, 1834), fide McLean in Keen, 1971: 708; Polystira parthenia (Berry) a valid species, fide Abbott, 1974: 267]
Size: alt. 35.0 mm
Typeloc.: off Isla Angel de la Guarda,
Golfo de California, Mexico, in 67 fm [123 m]
Holotype: CAS 043989
Paratypes: SBMNH 34583, 14 specimens SDNHM 9083, 3 specimens [=Polystira oxytropis (Sowerby, 1834), fide McLean in Keen, 1971: 708; Polystira artia (Berry) a valid species, fide Abbott, 1974: 267]
Size: alt. 3.14; diam. 1.50 mm
Typeloc.: Puerto Penasco, Sonora,
Mexico, reef at W end of bight Holotype: SBMNH 34585
[ —Rissoina (Tiphyocerma ) preposterum, fide Keen, 1971: 375 = Zebina (Tiphyocerma ) preposterum, fide Ponder , 1985: 89]
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Figure 23. Muricanthus callidinus [H]
1958. 1(15): 84 (Mar. 28)
Size: alt. 82.45 mm
Type loc.: Bahia Culebra, Costa Rica
Holotype: CAS 043992
Paratypes; SBMNH 34586, 1 specimen; 34587, 10 specimens
[= Muricanthus radix (Gmelin, 1791), fide Radwin & D'Attilio, 1976: 7, D'Attilio, 1981: 13; a valid species, fide Vokes, 1983: 25; = Hexaplex (Muricanthus) callidinus, fide Vokes, 1983: 11 = Hexaplex ambiguus (Reeve, 1845 ),fide Vokes, 1988: 25]
Figure 25. Olivella (Macgintiella) walked. [H]
1958. 1(15): 85-86 (Mar. 28)
Size: alt. 10.5; diam. 5.2 mm
Type loc.: first large bay W of Las Tetas de Cabra, Sonora,
Mexico, in 5 fm [9 m]
Holotype: SBMNH 34590
[ = Olivella (Olivella) walked, fide Keen, 1971: 629]
Size: alt. 9.6; diam. 3.5 mm
Type loc.: Cholla Cove, Bahia de Adair, Sonora, Mexico
Holotype: CAS 043911
Paratypes: SBMNH 34588, 66 specimens; 34589, 10 specimens
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Figure 26. |
Gemmula hindsiana [H] 1958. 1(15): 86 (Mar. 28) |
Figure 27. |
Tiariturris spectabilis [H] 1958. 1(15): 87 (Mar. 28) |
Figure 28. |
Knefastia walked [H] 1958. 1(15): 87-88 (Mar. 28) |
Size: |
alt. 18.0; diam. 5.3 mm |
Size: |
alt. 62.6; diam. 19.7 mm |
Size: |
alt. 67.3 + ; diam. 23.1 mm |
Type loc.: |
"Probably off San Jose Id. Gulf of California ("Orca")” |
Type loc.: |
off Isla Angel de la Guarda, Baja California, Mexico |
Type loc.: |
off Isla Angel de la Guarda, Baja California, Mexico |
Holotype: Paratype: |
SDNHM 47501 SBMNH 34591, 1 specimen |
Holotype: SDNHM 98600 [ = Tiariturris as a subgenus of Hormospira, fide Abbott, 1974: 262] |
Holotype: |
CAS 043937 |
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Figure 29. Turrigemma torquifer [H]
1958. 1(15): 88-89 (Mar. 28)
Size: alt. 39.2; diam. 12.0 mm
Type loc.: off Puerto Refugio, Isla Angel
de la Guarda, Baja California, Mexico
Holotype: SBMNH 34592
[=Hindsiclava Olsson, 1964: 96; Emerson & Radwin, 1969: 149; = Hindsiclava
andromeda (Dali, 1919), fide McLean in Keen, 1971: 724]
Figure 30. Terebra (Strioterebrum) fitchi [H] 1958. 1(15): 89-90 (Mar. 28)
Size: alt. 34.3; diam. 7.9 mm
Type loc.: Bahia Santa Maria, Isla Magdalena, Baja California Sur, Mexico, at lagoon entrance Holotype: CAS 032108 Paratypes: SBMNH 34593, 25 specimens [=J. tiarella Deshayes, 1857, fide Campbell 1964: 132-138; Bratcher & Burch in Keen, 1971: 684, Bratcher & Cemohorsky, 1987: 141]
Figure 31. Hertleinella leucostephes [H]
1958. 1(16): 95-96 (May 31)
Size. alt. 32.7; diam. 16.9 mm
Type loc.: off east side of Isla Cedros ca
2 miles [3 km] N of village, Baja California, Mexico Holotype: CAS 043918
Paratype: SBMNH 34594, 1 specimen
[=Calotrophon turritus (Dali, 1919), fide McLean & Emerson, 1970:57-62; McLean in Keen, 1971 :530; fide Abbott, 1974: 188; = C. (Calotrophon) turritus (Dali), fide Keen & Coan, 1975: 30]
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Figure 33. Botula cylista [H]
1959. 1(18): 107 (July 29)
Size: long. 26.0; alt. 12.0; diam. 13.6 mm
Type loc.: rocks at Playa Las Gaviotas, Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico, boring in Ostrea iridescens Holotype: CAS 043975, both valves
Para types: SBMNH 34010, 19 specimens
SDNHM 42803, 1 specimen
[= Botula fusca (Gmelin, 1791), fide Bernard, 1983: 19]
Figure 32. Terebra (Strioterebrum) danai [H]
1958. 1(16): 96-97 (May 31)
Size: alt. 31.4; diam. 8.6 mm
Type loc.: East San Pedro, California, at low tide
Holotype: CAS 043909
Paratype: LACM 1463, 1 specimen
SBMNH 34595, 21 specimens
[= Terebra hemphilli Vanatta, \91A,fide Bratcher & Cemohorsky, 1987: 156]
Figure 34. Spondylus ursipes [H]
1959. 1(18): 107-108 (July 29)
Size: alt. 126; long. 98 mm
Type loc.: Puerto Refugio, Isla Angel de la Guarda, Baja
California, Mexico, in ca. 20 m Holotype: CAS 043984, both valves
Paratypes: SBMNH 34011, 1 specimen; 34012, 1 specimen;
[=Spondylus calcifer Carpenter, 1857, fide Abbott, 1974: 451; = Spondylus ursipes Berry , fide Bernard, 1983: 27; = Spondylus leucacanthus Broderip, IS33, fide Skoglund & Mulliner, 1996: 96]
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Size: long. 5.9; alt. 3.7 mm
Type loc.: Bahia San Luis Gonzaga, Baja California, Mexico, in
3-4 fin [5-7 m] dredged Figure 36.
Holotype: CAS 043981, right valve
Paratypes: SBMNH 34013, 3 valves
SDNHM 42813, 1 valve Size:
\~Tryphomax mexicanus, fide Keen, 1971: 135; Bernard, 1983: 30] Type loc.:
Figure 37.
Type loc.: Holotype: Paratypes:
Diodora pusilla [H]
1959. 1(18): 109 (My 29)
long. 3.8; lat. 2.5; alt. 3.6 mm
off Acapulco, Guerrero, Mexico; in 6-10 fin [11-18
m] 4
CAS 043928
LACM 1721, 1 specimen SBMNH 34596, 219 specimens SDNHM 42804, 3 specimens
Lucapinella milleri [H]
1959. 1(18): 109 (My 29)
long. 8.6; lat. 4.6 mm Puertecitos, Baja California, Mexico CAS 036324
SBMNH 34597, 5 specimens SDNHM 42811, 1 specimen
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Figure 38. Nomaeopelta myrae [H]
1959. 1(18): 109-110 (My 29)
Size: long. 15+ mm
Type loc.: Playa Las Gaviotas, near Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico,
on rocks
Holotype: CAS 043923
Paratypes: SBMNH 34598, 22 specimens
SDNHM 42898, 3 specimens
[=Notoacmaea fascicularis (Menke, 1851), fide McLean in Keen, 1971: 327; =Tectura fascicularis (Menke), fide Lindberg, 1986: 145- 146]
Figure 39, |
Exterior and interior of Thyca (Bessomia) callista [H] 1959. 1(18): 110-111 (My 29) |
Size: |
long. 7.4; lat. 5.4; alt. 3.1 mm |
Type loc.: |
Bahia San Carlos, Sonora, Mexico, in 3-4 fm [5-7 m], parasitic on the starfish Phataria unifascialis |
Holotype: |
LACM1120 |
Paratype: |
CAS 043993, 1 specimen SBMNH 34599, 1 specimen |
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Figure 40. |
Canthams shaskyi [H] 1959. 1(18): 111 (July 29) |
Figure 41. |
Hanetia mendozana [H] 1959. 1(18): 111412 (July 29) |
Figure 42. Terebra (Strioterebrum) puncturosa [H] 1959. 1(18): 112-113 (July 29) |
Size: |
alt. 44.1; diam. 24.6 mm |
Size: |
alt. 61.8; diam. 41.3 mm |
Type loc.: |
near Guaymas, Sonora, Mexico, from shrimpers, in moderate depths |
Type loc.: |
region of Bahia Magdalena, Baja California Sur, Mexico, in 10-25 fin [18-46 m] |
Size: alt. 30.3; diam. 7.5 mm Type loc.: Bahia Santa Maria, Isla Magdalena, Baja California Sur, |
Holotype: |
CAS 043930 |
Holotype: |
CAS 043921 |
Mexico |
Paratype: |
SBMNH 34600, 1 specimen |
Paratypes: SBMNH 34601, 4 specimens SDNHM 42805, 1 specimen [=Solenosteira mendozana, fide Keen, 1971 : 563; = Solenosteira as a subgenus of Canthams (Berry), fide Abbott, 1974: 220] |
Holotype: SDNHM 45962 [= Terebra puncturosa, fide Bratcher & Cemohorsky, 1987: 158] |
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Figure 43. Pegmapex phoebe [H], (interior and exterior of left valve) 1960. 1(19): 115 (Dec. 31)
Size: long. 6.07; alt. 5.4; diam. 2.7 mm
Type loc.: Playa Las Gav iotas, Mazatlan, Sinaloa,
Holotype: CAS 043982, left valve
SBMNH 34018, right valve
[= Phlyctiderma (Pegmapex) phoebe, fide Keen, 1971: 131]
Figure 44. Pilar (Lamelliconcha) hesperius [H] 1960. 1(19): 115-116 (Dec. 31)
Size: long. 42.3; alt. 37.2; diam. 25.0 mm
Type loc.: Holotype:
Mazatlan area, Sinaloa, Mexico, from shrimp fisherman
CAS 043978, right valve SBMNH 34020, left valve
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Figure 46. “ Acmaea ” acutapex [H]
1960. 1(19): 117 (Dec. 31)
Size: long. 11.5; lat. 8.6; alt. 5.3 mm
Type loc.: Punta Cholla, W of Puerto Penasco, Sonora, Mexico